Bolt Burdon Kemp Solicitors

Bolt Burdon Kemp Solicitors

Bolt Burdon Kemp is a leading firm of solicitors for serious injury claims

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Ahmed Al-Nahhas
Ahmed Al-Nahhas


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Overall Rating
3.4 12 reviews
keith monaghan Avatar
keith monaghan
I can say to this point in case they have been there surporting me. Julia very helpful and friendly. And have organised well to get us over the line. We won our part 36 .so technically the case is over. I did take advice from them but feel in my case. it right decision. I realise they are a business and have to earn money like everyone . Everything they said. They would do .. Case took a long time .but I think this quite normal under our circumstances. I have been awarded compensation and im hoping they deal with swiftly and put the cherry on the cake
It is important they make sure this is done after all the hard work they put in and what I had to go through. Julia allways ask me what I wanted to do. Yes she would give me advice but bottom line It my choice.
I would advice anyone out there who looking for a good solicitors firm to speak to these guys. I'm actually 24 hours away on flight
So that a big time difference but they managed it.
So well done big Thanks
Bolt burden Kemp .special thanks to Julia for she did for me.
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Alexander Alexiou Avatar
Alexander Alexiou
Great staff, friendly and accommodating. Lovely premises
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Charlotte Carey Avatar
Charlotte Carey
Incredibly helpful advice from Siobhan. Thank you so much.
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Josh Edwards Avatar
Josh Edwards
BBK fashion themselves as leading experts in child abuse claims and are even reccomended by NAPAC. They claim on their website 'At Bolt Burdon Kemp, we will work with you to persuade the court to waive the time limit'. The reality is, BBK upon hearing that your case is outside of the time limit will dismiss your claim. I was one year out of the time limit, and had very good reasons why e.g. disruption to courts in pandemic, poor mental health. Ontop of this, I had strong medical evidence and swathes of evidence obtained from educational records to support my claim.

It is my belief that they are looking for 'free wins' from victims who have already suceeded in the criminal justice system, and are not interested in putting up a fight otherwise. Make no mistake, this law firm is only interested in profits and not acheiving justice for survivors, so unless you meet their strignent requirements I wouldn't have high expectations.
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Jack Johnson Avatar
Jack Johnson
Called me up to ask for more information - Spent 10 minutes going through all of the information following the enquiry I'd made - The girl I spoke to waited for 10 minutes to tell me they can't deal with it because it's not something they deal with - Couldn't have been clearer from my enquiry so I am very annoyed that you've made me talk about something traumatising knowing you couldn't deal with it anyway - What on earth is wrong with you?
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