Nova Solicitors
We are a high street practice based in North London. At Nova Solicitors we pride ourselves on being friendly and approachable. We are passionate about providing you with high quality legal services at reasonable and affordable rates. We understand that you don’t just want a legal expert; you also want someone who listens and understands what you’re trying to achieve.
Solicitors Address
27a Westbury Avenue London, N22 6BS, United Kingdom
Zip/Post Code
N22 6BS
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How it works
Choose to either send the solicitor a message, book an appointment or request a call
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Fill in the form of your choice. If you are sending a message, try to give as many
details as possible.
If the solicitor requires a retaining payment then card details are taken but only
charged after completion.
Based on your selection, the solicitor will send a confirmation email or get back to
you soon.